IMHA-PAC Contribution

Your MH Political Action Committee

Your contribution to the Illinois Manufactured Housing Association's Political Action Committee (PAC) is a crucial part of our successful participation in the political process and helps to ensure a positive future for Illinois’ Manufactured Housing industry and Land Lease Communities.


  • Uses the funds raised to support candidates' election efforts who understand our unique housing option and exhibit a willingness to work toward commonsense regulations and legislation including, but limited to: defending against Rent Control proposals, fighting for sales tax parity with site built homes, ending exclusionary zoning practices statewide, maintaining the privilerge tax option, and creating new sources for retail lending options
  • Can receive contributions from individuals and business entities.
  • Contributions are not tax deductible for state of federal income tax purposes

Indicidual contributions can be made up to the state limit of $14,600 per person per election cycle; $29,100 per corporation or LLC; all contributions will be gratefully accepted.

A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois.

Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address